Event submitted by Event Log Doctor
Event ID:
Detailed Tracking

The Windows Firewall has detected an application listening for incoming traffic.

Name: -
Path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\someprocess.exe
Process identifier: 3732
User account: SYSTEM
User domain: NT AUTHORITY
Service: Yes
RPC server: No
IP version: IPv4
IP protocol: UDP
Port number: 55751
Allowed: No
User notified: No

Solution by Event Log Doctor

2008-08-21 00:25:13 UTC

For some reason this event is logged (on Win2k3 in this case), even when the firewall is disabled and the specified process (C:\WINDOWS\system32\someprocess.exe) is setup as an exception.

The only way I was able to get rid of these events was by stopping the SharedAccess (Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)) service.

Once stopped, no more 861 events were logged.

This of course disables the firewall, which of course was already OFF in my case.

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